China Development Financial and its subsidiaries will participate in Earth Hour lights-off event

As a citizen of the planet Earth, and in order to commit to energy conservation and carbon reduction and to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, China Development Financial will turn off the lights for one hour at its headquarters building between 8:30-9:30 pm on March 29, 2019 (Saturday) by way of participating in the Earth Hour lights-off event.

This will be the fifth year that China Development Financial has participated in Earth Hour, the world’s largest environmental mass movement, with the company hoping to encourage others to call on governments and residents of the planet Earth to get serious about climate change and global warming issues. Earth Hour is not just about turning off lights for one hour – it is about making changes in one’s daily life, so that the planet’s fragile ecosystem can go on operating in a sustainable manner, with excess consumption pared down. This will help tip the Earth’s income and expenses back to balance.