KGI Securities' Digital Lending Platform
Seamless and smart lending solutions
Benefits of lending with us
Open an account online in just a few steps, without the need to visit a branch
Securities borrowing & lending the next day after opening account
If you have been a KGI Securities trading account client for at least 3 months, you can conveniently apply for a lending account online or over the counter to start lending within 24 hours of opening the account
Lending your popular stocks
Earn stable and incremental income by lending your popular stock whilst maintaining full ownership
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stock symbol lending rate stock symbol lending rate stock symbol lending rate stock symbol lending rate
00929 復華台灣科技優息 1.0-2.0 2303 聯電 1.0-3.5 5347 世界 3.0-15.0 2002 中鋼 0.2-0.8
00680L 元大美債20正2 1.0 2887 台新金 2.0-2.5 00712 復華富時不動產 0.5 00878 國泰永續高股息 0.2
2609 陽明 0.5-2.5 00934 中信成長高股息 2.0 2890 永豐金 0.1-0.6 00795B 中信美國公債20年 1.5
00687B 國泰20年美債 1.2 006208 富邦台50 0.5 00688L 國泰20年美債正2 1.0-1.5 1605 華新 1.5-5.0
00948B 中信優息投資級債 0.5 00939 統一台灣高息動能 1.5 00953B 群益優選非投等債 1.0 1314 中石化 2.0-5.0

Note 1: Source: TWSE. The table above shows the lending rates as historical lending rates. 

Note 2: It does not represent future lending rates. Historical records of transactions are based on the selection of the top 20 targets in last month. Future lending conditions are not guaranteed.

Example of stock lending:

100 shares of technology stock are lent out at a rate of 3.0% for 180 days

Number of shares / lending rate
shares / rate
Number of days / Lending Price
days / NTD
Net income
KGI e-Lending Service
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